Simple Podcasting 1.2.1

Just published my first release of Simple Podcasting WordPress plugin as a maintainer. This is a minor release, you will find release notes on GitHub. Along to small fixes, this version introduce our new way to end-to-end testing: Cypress. Thanks a lot to Tung Du for implementing this. Finally, if you want to adjust the… Continue reading Simple Podcasting 1.2.1

Categorized as Releases

Why avoid post__not_in?

While working with Distributor we at 10up met a performance issue. The problem happened during the filter out of large posts list (200 records): the REST performed slower than WP VIP expected script execution time (which is 3 seconds). Initially one of the ideas was to update the query removing post__not_in and adding custom filtering.… Continue reading Why avoid post__not_in?

Categorized as Research